Isheri Kidnappers Request N1.2 Billion Ransom

The gunmen who kidnapped four residents of Isheri area of Lagos State, are asking the families to pay 300m Naira each, before they can be released.

The abductors, who established contact with the families earlier on Sunday, said the captives would be released once the monies were deposited at a designated point.

Meanwhile the police have assured that they are on a massive manhunt for the kidnappers.

The Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Ahmed Iliasu told Channels Television that a combined team of 30 policemen have been deployed to the area in search of the kidnapped residents.

The four victims were said to have been kidnapped during an aerobic session in the early hours of Saturday.

An eyewitness said the three kidnappers who were all armed and masked, came in from the water side.

Kidnappers seem to have gone on rampage as several cases have been reported recently in states across Nigeria.

3 Kidnapped Oil Workers Escape In Rivers

Meanwhile, three of the 14 oil workers kidnapped along Omoku/ Elele road on September 2, have recently escaped from their abductors.

Four of the victims had initially escaped, leaving the number of those still in captivity, at seven.

Speaking to Channels Television in Port Harcourt, two of the escaped victims said the constant movement of the kidnappers gave them the opportunity to escape.

Citizens are therefore adviced to remain highly security conscious, as it is believed that the last few months of the year, usually prove to be more dangerous with an increase in criminal activities.


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