How the story with drunk school bus driver ended is a wonder

These kids got on their school bus as usual and did not expect that morning to be special, exciting or scary. However, things started to happen right away. It turned out that the woman, the bus driver was drunk. She was highly intoxicated with the alcohol and was not really in control of herself or the vehicle.

37 kids got trapped in a moving bus. The driver was riding over the grass, bumps and curbs. This 55-year-old woman put the lives of the kids in danger. Her name is Martha Thompson. Luckily for the kids, this was her last day at work.

They spotted that things were not looking so good. Most children got terrified being locked up in that moving bus with the drunken lady. However, they did not lose the presence of mind and when she refused to let them out through the front door; they jumped off the back one.

The driver was taken to court and suspended from her work. She got a jail term and mandatory treatment for her alcohol problem. Luckily no one got hurt, but kids still remember the fear they experienced on that bus!


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